EB 5 visa also know as visa investor program is set up for those individuals who would like to acquire green card through investment opportunities in the USA. While the basic rules and regulations for the EB 5 remain the same, yet it is still one of the most confusing and complicated visas to file and acquire. This is why here we will be keeping you aware of some of the most important facts which top EB5 attorneys won’t tell you:
- Act fast
As you must have heard about the new rules which the state will be processing for the investors, this will make it extremely difficult for you to acquire visa as the pool of eligible investors who meet the criteria would shrink and you could be one of them. Make sure you act fast in such situation and talk things through with your attorney as they can guide you about what should be your next step and if you should even take one.
- Consider regional investment
In order to make sure you are meeting the criteria, you can either invest in an already existing business by buying it or establishing your own – from scratch. But you also need to make sure that the business which you plan on establishing has vacancy for almost ten full time jobs. Regional investment would give you the opportunity and idea to easily invest in government programs which easily fulfil the criteria of ten full time jobs.
- EB 5 consumers are changing
Yes it is true that EB 5 consumers are changing as earlier it would be the Chinese who were one of the most investing people but the ratio seems to be changing when Latin Americans started seizing the opportunity and their ratio increased as the Chinese kept backing out. This ratio helps in arranging different conferences and making sure that people are well aware of the investment programs and opportunities which help people in understanding things more clearly.
- Consider the changes
With the rules and investment programs changing, we would suggest you to adapt with the change in your investment program and look for more opportunities. Consider the changes as you never know what kind of amazing opportunities stand ahead, there’s a bright side to everything.
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